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A new kind of Terrorism, 1/06/02

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A new kind of attack, from the 1947 arab handbook.
Three Jews Murdered in Jordan Valley Attack

At 7:30 PM last night, an Arab wearing an IDF
uniform and armed with an M-16 rifle and a
grenade infiltrated the Jordan Valley agricultural
community of Hamra, murdering three Jews and
injuring three others. The three victims, Miri
Ochana, 50, her 11-year-old daughter Yael, and
IDF First Sergeant Moshe Makonan Majus, 33,
will be laid to rest today.

The terrorist entered the community near the
hothouses and opened fire at a security patrol
driven by Yitzhak Orenstein, the deputy security
officer. Orenstein had left his home minutes earlier
following intelligence community warnings that a
terrorist left the PLO-controlled village of Tubas
on his way to carry out an attack.

Orenstein said, "We received a warning at about
7:20 PM that a terrorist was in the area. We
deployed the soldiers and were on alert. Suddenly,
shots rang out."

Miri Ochana, 50, and her 11-year-old daughter
Yael, were in their home when the lone terrorist
knocked at the door. They opened the door to
what appeared to be an IDF soldier, and the
terrorist immediately took them hostage. The Arab
began firing at civilians and IDF soldiers who were
at the scene. First Sergeant Moshe Majus was
killed by the gunfire.

As IDF anti-terrorist forces raided the house, the
Arab turned his gun on the mother and daughter
hostages. Miri was gravely wounded and
transported by military helicopter to Jerusalemıs
Hadassah Hospital, where she died a short time
later. Yael was pronounced dead on the scene.

Army Central Commander Major-General Yitzhak
Eitan has ordered an investigation into the attack.
He explains that even though the Arab was
dressed as a soldier, the infiltration should have
concluded at the entrance gate and should not
have resulted in the loss of life.

Israeli leaders said that this attack once again
proves that Arafat has yet to make good on his
promises to combat terrorism.

In retaliation, the IDF Air Force last night bombed
the PLO headquarters in Shechem. Arab sources
report that 11 persons were wounded in the aerial assault.


Same Day PLO Media Responce

PLO Media Sanctify Terrorist Murderer

The Arab terrorist who murdered a mother, her
11-year-old daughter and a soldier last night in the
agricultural community of Hamra was granted the
equivalent of Palestinian "sainthood" by the PLO
media. So reports Michael Widlanski of . Yasser Arafat's Voice of
Palestine radio opened its morning newscast by
labeling last night's attack "istish-haad" -- an act of
"heroic martyrdom." News anchorman Nizar
Al-Ghul said, "The man carrying out the operation
became a heroic martyr after killing two settlers
and a soldier and wounding at least four." The
VOP news editors failed to mention that the
murdered "settlers" were a 50-year-old woman
and her 11-year-old daughter.

During this morning's news magazine, the Voice of
Palestine played an operatic-like song that
repeatedly calls for "martyrs" and for acts of
"heroic martyrdom" inside Jerusalem. The name of
the song is "Al Quds Madinat Al-Salaam"
[Jerusalem, City of Peace].

Last week, Wafa Idris, a 27-year-old Arab
woman, entered Jerusalem in an ambulance
belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent and later
set off a huge bomb on Jerusalem's busiest street,
killing one man and wounding 150. The
newspapers and broadcast outlets of the
Palestinian Authority beautified the woman,
running her picture on the front page continuously
and proclaiming her a martyr.

None of the Palestinian media outlets mentioned
that the 27-year-old woman bomber was
apparently in a state of extreme depression after
being divorced by her husband when she
miscarried her baby in the
seventh month of her pregnancy. The husband
refused to take his wife back, Israeli sources said,
after it became clear that she would have difficulty
conceiving children.

In an interview with MSNBC television, Arafat
refused to condemn the woman's act. "Don't we
have the right to resist occupation," he rhetorically

For the last week there has been no mention
whatsoever in the PLO media in Arabic of Yasser
Arafat's op-ed piece in The New York Times
where he said he opposed terrorism.

ARUTZ SHEVA, website, week of 1, January, 2002,

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