A Taste of Torah in honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Beshalah
January 29-30, 1999/ 13 Shevat 5759
A glimpse at the first time Jews praised God after leaving Egypt offers an understanding
of two distinct ways of approaching God.
In the song after the splitting of the sea, the Jews proclaimed: "This is my
God and I will glorify him, ve-anveihu; the God of my father and I will exalt him,
va-aromemenhu." (Exodus 15:2)
One approach to God is that of "Elokei avee, the God of my father," to
believe because my parents believe.
Hence, the text states, va-aromemenhu; from the root rum meaning "above." In
other words, although God is above me and I have little personal relationship with Him,
nonetheless, I accept God because my parents accepted Him.
A second approach is implicit in the first part of the sentence. Here the Jews
proclaimed, "This is my God, zeh Kei-lee," the God with whom I have a very
personal relationship.
Hence, the modifying term, ve-anveihu (and I will glorify Him). Anveihu is a
compound of ani-Hu. This is what Martin Buber referred to as the most intense of
relationships, that of the I-Thou. This points to one who has a personal
relationship with God and believes because he or she has been closely touched by the
Which approach is correct? Since both are mentioned, each has truth. Indeed, when
reciting the amidah, we similarly state that, "God is our God Elokeinu" and,
"God is the God of our ancestors Elokei Avoteinu , Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."
Note the inclusion of both a personal relationship and a belief in God because He was the
God of our patriarchs.
The sequence of these terms in both the
biblical text and in the amidah is also of significance. In both instances God is
first described as being a personal God.
An important educational lesson can be learnt here: It is not enough for parents to expect
their children to believe simply because they believe. Transmission of a belief in God to
our youngsters is not automatic. What is most necessary is an atmosphere wherein a child
comes to experience belief through sincere strivings and actions; not merely through rote
approaches to prayer and ritual.
Such children are in the best position
to maintain their belief and to transmit it to their children and they to their children
until the end of time.
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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