A Taste of Torah in honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Shelah
June 11-12, 1999 / 28 Sivan 5759
The Meaning Of The Tzitzit
What is the purpose of wearing tzitzit, the ritual
fringes that are attached to the four cornered garment mentioned in our parsha?
(Numbers 15:37-41) Several classic answers come to mind.
Some suggest the meaning lies in the tekhelet found amongst the fringes. This thread of
blue "is like the sea, the sea is like the sky and the sky like the throne of
glory." (Menahot 43b) In other words, wearing tzitzit reminds us of God's
Still others suggest that the tzitzit remind us to commit to God's mitzvot. The numerical
value of tzitzit, coupled with the number of knots and strings used to make these fringes,
is 613, equal to the number of commandments. Beyond feeling God's presence, one, through
the wearing of tzitzit, has a constant awareness of responsibility to God's law.
Yet another thought comes to mind. The tzitzit remind us of the first garment
recorded in the Torah, the one made by God for Adam and Eve after they ate from the tree
in the Garden of Eden. Indeed, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, following the temptations
of their eyes and heart. (Genesis 3:6) Here, God commands the wearing of fringes in
order to avoid being seduced by our own hearts and eyes. (Numbers 15-39)
Note also the use of the verb "tur" (to go
after) found in the portion of fringes, (Numbers 15:39) and found when Moshe (Moses) sends
the spies out to check out the land at the beginning of our parsha. (Numbers 13:16)
In the case of the spies, they followed their inner whims and brought back an evil
report. Here, in the paragraph of tzitzit, the Torah teaches us not to make the same
mistake, not to be led astray.
Ibn Ezra's comments about the prayer shawl worn during services now become clear. He
insists that "it is much more necessary to wear tzitzit during the rest of the day
and not merely during prayers, in order to remember not to err and commit a sin,
since during prayers [he will be in a holy frame of mind and] in any case, [will] not
It can be added that the prayer shawl has a different
intent than the fringed garment worn all day. Wrapping ourselves with the prayer
shawl helps us to feel God's love, God's protection and God's embrace.
With the establishment of the State of Israel, the
tzitzit has impacted upon our national psyche as well. David Wolfsohn records in his
memoirs that during the first Zionist Congress, it was unanimously decided that the
Israeli flag be blue and white, the same colors as the tzitzit. He writes,
"This talit is our coat of arms, our emblem. Let us take out the talit and
unfurl it before the eyes of Israel, before the eyes of all the nations."
Shabbat Shalom
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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