A Taste of Torah in honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Shoftim
August 13-14, 1999 / 1-2 Elul 5759
This week's parsha discusses the issue of war and
reveals that war is only undertaken as a last resort.
The portion opens by proclaiming, "when you come close to a city to fight against it,
then proclaim peace unto it." (Deuteronomy 20:10) Rashi maintains that
this verse only applies to the first half of the paragraph that deals with optional wars.
(Deuteronomy 20:10-15). Hence, this part concludes with the words,
"thus shall you do (seek peace) to all the cities which are very far off from you,
which are not of the cities of these nations." (Deuteronomy 20:15). But
regarding the conquest of the seven Canaanite nations, obligatory war, peace overtures are
not made. This, in fact, is the intent of the second half of this paragraph.
(Deuteronomy 20:16-18).
Ramban disagrees. He insists that the opening verse,
which outlines the obligation to seek peace first, is ageneral statement about both
obligatory and permissible war. After all, Yehoshua (Joshua ) offered peace to the
Seven Canaanite nations, nations whom we were obligated to confront militarily.
For Ramban, the paragraph is divided following this general heading. The first half
addresses optional war where those not directly involved in the military conflict are
spared. (Deuteronomy 20:11-15). The last half of the paragraph tells us that
in the obligatory war, no one escapes, everyone is to be decimated. (Deuteronomy
Ramban adds that peace could be achieved, even in the case of the Seven Nations, those who
manifested the worst of immorality and idol worship. If they renounce their evil
ways and abide by basic ethical principles, they would be allowed to remain in the land.
Ramban, one of the greatest lovers of Zion, teaches us
that even when it comes to conquering the land, there is a perpetual quest for peace.
This position has been echoed in the State of Israel's relationship with its
neighbors. Israel has always reached out to make peace and gone to war only when
absolutely necessary.
All this is reflected in the pledge taken by Jewish
soldiers as they are conscripted into the army. They commit themselves to what is
called Tihur Ha-Neshek, Purity of Arms. This proclamation recognizes the necessity
of self defense, but insists that war be conducted with a sense of purity, a sense of
ethics, with the spirit of longing for peace, the spirit of Torah.
Shabbat Shalom
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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