A Taste of Torah in honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Ki Tisa
February 25-26, 2000/ 20 Adar I 5760
As Moshe (Moses) descends the mountain, aware that the
Jews had made the golden calf, Joshua awaits him. Hearing noise coming from the
camp, Joshua tells Moshe that he hears the voice of war. In the words of Torah,
"when Joshua heard the sound of the people.he said to Moshe, there is a sound of
battle in the camp." (Exodus 32:17) Moshe responds that it is not the sound of
war in the camp, but rather the sound of anot. (Exodus 32:18)
What exactly does this term mean?
Abrabanel suggests that Joshua did not know that the golden calf had been built.
Hearing sounds, he assumed it was that of war. Moshe, aware of the reality of
the situation, responds that it was not the sound of war, but rather "it was
simply the sound of people making a noise." For Abarbanel, anot, simply
means "noise."
Ramban suggests that anot descirbes the type of noise
being heard. Moshe "was reluctant to speak disparagingly of Israel. So he
told him [Joshua] that it was the noise of merriment." For Ramban, anot, means
a joyous song. As Nechama Leibovitz explains, "Moshe would never denounce his
people unless it were for the purpose of reproving them..He was reluctant to let Joshua
have the 'latest news' of their disgrace."
Another thought comes to mind. Joshua may have indeed known what happened. He may have
been telling Moshe that the Jews have rebelled, and in fact, are prepared if you will, to
go to war with God. Joshua's words then make sense: "There is a sound of battle
in the camp."
Moshe responds that he understands the actions of the people to be very different.
He states that he does not hear the voice of victory or defeat as Joshua
does, but he hears the voice of a nation painfully crying out. From this
perspective, the word anot comes from the word enui which means
"affliction"; the people were afflicted and confused. They were
confused about their relationship to God and were in deep conflict about belief.
For Joshua, the cry means that the Jews were rebelling.
Kol milchama, "the sound of battle" not only reflected the actions of the
people, but was also advice to Moshe that he should take up arms in response to the
Moshe, who hears the cry as the confused state of belief of the people, believed
that the reaction should be to bring the Jews back through love and care.
While it is true that Moshe takes strong action and shatters the Tablets and
thousands of Jews die, it must be remembered that it is God's thirteen
attributes of mercy that brings about the giving of the second set of Tablets.
(Exodus 34:6-7)
The message: When seeing someone struggle with faith, we should hear a cry rather
than rebellion and respond with love and mercy.
Shabbat Shalom
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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