A Taste of Torah in honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Pinhas 5760
July 21-22, 2000 / 19
Tammuz 5760
Moshe, Yehoshua and Lessons in
After being told that he will soon die,
Moshe (Moses) asks God to appoint a successor so that the Jews "not be
as sheep that have no shepherd." (Numbers 27:17) God
responds by telling Moshe to appoint Yehoshua (Joshua). In the words
of the Torah, "take Yehoshua, the son of Nun, a man in whom is spirit,
and lay thy hand upon him." (Numbers 27:18)
One wonders why Moshe did not recognize that Yehoshua was his successor on
his own. After all, the Torah had previously described Yehoshua as
ministering to Moshe. (Numbers 11:28)
Rabbi David Silber argues that, in truth, Moshe did not want Yehoshua to
succeed him. Moshe was a teacher par excellence who reached out to his
people with extraordinary compassion and love. Yehoshua on the other
hand, sees the world through a military lens where there is a clear
delineation of right and wrong. Several examples underscore this
Yehoshua leads the Jews in the war against Amalek. "And Moshe
said to Yehoshua, choose us men and go fight with Amalek."
(Exodus 17:9) Interestingly, as Yehoshua battles Amalek, Moshe's hands
are raised in
fervent prayer to God. (Rashi, Exodus 17:11)
When Moshe descends from Mt. Sinai, when the Jews worshipped the golden
calf, Yehoshua meets him and tells him that he hears the noise of war in the
camp. Moshe responds that he does not hear the voice of victory or
defeat-rather he hears a tortured cry (kol anot). (Exodus 32:17,18)
Yehoshua hears a war cry. Moshe, the teacher par excellence
hears the angst of his people-nothing more than a painful calling out for
When Moshe is told that two men Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp,
Yehoshua suggests that they be done away with. In Yehoshua's words,
"my Lord Moshe, shut them in (k'laim)." (Numbers 11:28).
This is the language of the general. Moshe on the other hand, suggests
that Eldad and Medad and all others be given the chance to prophesize.
In Moshe's words, "would that all the Lord's people were
prophets." (Numbers 11:29)
In requesting an heir, Moshe couches his language using the terminology that
the people need a shepherd. This was Moshe's hope that the new leader
be much like himself-a shepherd of Israel. He could not perceive that
Yehoshua, a more warlike figure, was a suitable successor.
It is here that God tells Moshe to take Yehoshua "a man in whom is
spirit and lay thy hand upon him." God is telling Moshe that
while Yehoshua, at this point, lacks the characteristics of being a
shepherd, if Moshe would but place his hands on his head teaching him his
style of leadership, he would be endowed with spiritual teaching.
Rabbi Silber argues that not coincidentally, the Torah at its conclusion,
when describing the death of Moshe, points out that "Yehoshua, the son
of Nun, was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moshe had laid his hands upon
him." (Deuteronomy 34:9) In other words, Moshe had
succeeded in teaching Yehoshua the values of the shepherd. The
expression, placing his hands atop Yehoshua, means that Moshe had succeeded
in transmitting to Yehoshua the vital qualities of a teacher who is soft,
compassionate and sensitive.
Powerful leadership is one in which quiet tranquil compassion is at its
base. And most important, the test of real leadership is the ability
to leave a legacy, to transmit a value system to the next generation.
No one lives forever. The test of success is whether one's values and
principles can transcend one's lifetime into the next-as Moshe's love,
compasstion and softness did with Yehoshua.
Shabbat Shalom!
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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