A Taste of Torah in
honor of Shabbat
from Rabbi Avi Weiss
Parshat Haazinu - Sukkot
In honor of Dr. Elli Kranzler, Sweet Singer of Israel
October 2,3, 1998/13 Tishrei 5759
Moshe (Moses) advises the people of Israel that in times of difficulty the song in this
week's portion will bear witness that the covenant with Israel "shall not be
forgotten from the mouth of its offspring." (Deuteronomy 31:20,21)
No doubt Moshe had in mind the particular song of Ha'azinu. But it can also be
suggested that song in general has often given the people of Israel the power to overcome
the most serious of challenges. What is the magic of song that gives it such
First of all, song goes beyond the intellectual word, stirring the soul. As health
is a function of physical as well as emotional well being--with the latter impacting
powerfully on the former--so too does song have the spiritual energy to help us transcend
the physical. It allows us to do things we never believed we could and understand
things we otherwise could never grasp.
Secondly, song, more than word, has the unique characteristic of bringing together people
of disparate backgrounds. From this perspective, song is a uniting force. With
the collective energy achieved through song, the unreachable can be reached.
Thirdly, song connects us with God. While heaven and earth seem apart, song can
bring heaven down to earth and lift earth up to heaven. In this manner, song allows
us to interface with God Himself.
In fact, while God speaks in the Torah, He never sings. Of course, God loves
humankind endlessly. Still, it ought be noted that human love of God extends above
the spoken word--lifting us closer to the Divine.
With this bond we become more Godly. As God is infinite, so can the human being with
the help of song, reach high, higher and higher still, realizing the impossible dream.
In no small measure, the Sukkah bears the primary quality of song--the ability to
overcome. Indeed, the Sukkah can be viewed as a symbol of the Jew, who, against all
odds, has been able to survive.
As a child, I remember my bubbie (grandmother) singing the Yiddish song "A
Sukkeleh." It speaks of the resilience of the little Sukkah that can
withstand the toughest of winds. The final words still ring in my ears:
"With the first course, with
little force, my daughter begins to bring in. She stands in her place and with tears
on her face, says, Tata, (father) the Sukkah's falling in." The father
responds, "Don't be a child, don't be so riled, the Sukkah is standing so long.
We've lived in fear almost two thousand years and the Sukkah remains so
May we be blessed with such transcendence.
Taste of Torah
© 5758/1998. All
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Rabbi Avi Weiss, Hebrew Institute of Riverdale
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